As a service and software company in the mechanical engineering sector, we have the skills to support your CE management goals through design, consulting and services.
In order to implement the Machinery Directive, the Product Safety Act and the Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health, we support the manufacturer as well as the operator, from the creation of the specification sheet and the design to the acceptance and safe operation.
With the production of the safety component Safety Control, your individual conflicts in the interface area, in the area of state of the art and other possible conflicts in the area of responsibility are solved in a practice-oriented manner.
The way to a safe machine
Contractual agreement
Early agreements on essential points in the specifications and functional specifications:
- Clarification areas of responsibility
- Agreements on documentation requirements
- Agreements on acceptable residual risks


Construction in accordance with good engineering practice is usually lived, but rarely documented:
- Economic integration of the existing technical discussions into the legally relevant documentation records.
- Safety concepts considering practicality, proportionality and, if necessary, integration of the safety component Safety-Control for transparent conflict resolution.
Putting into service
Coordination and clarification of responsibilities of:
- Validation process from the manufacturer
- Trainings
- Inspection during initial start-up by the operator


Transfer of the residual risks and testing requirements of the manufacturer to the
- Risk assessment according to Operational Safety Regulation
- Documentation for testing the safe operation of the machinery
About Us
Our career is based on 13 years of software design with extensive RetroFit projects of complex machines, their interlinking, palletising and networking to master computers. This has enabled us to develop a good reputation worldwide together with our partners in the electrical and mechanical engineering sector.
In the course of increasingly complex machines, our customers demands for more safety and documentation have increased. As a result, from 2004 onwards we have specialised us in the documentation for EC-Conformity. The many years of experience is the basis of our know-how today.
Through cooperation with occupational safety, accompanying advice from the employers' liability insurance associations and many further training courses, we now have a wide range of successful references. Since mid-2014, we have been a member of the German Engineering Federation (VDMA).
For programming in the safety area (Siemens / KUKA / ABB), we have the appropriate expertise to be at your disposal for testing safety robots.